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Mariano U.

I personally feel that this project started production during challenging times. DZ has been really good at putting this together. Especially when he’s still grieving a person loss. I’m grieving but I never met EVH. So I’m really glad DZ did any of this. So if it takes a little  more time, what can you do. Please be patient.

just my 2 cents.

everyone stay safe.

David C.

Hi Dweezil,

I’m in no rush to get the rest of the RWTD podcast; life gets in the way.

The only thing I’d mention is that, as someone who mainly subscribed for the music, it’s a real shame that there has been no new music for several months; it does reduce the value of the subscription somewhat.  Not complaining though; am always supportive of your work.

Would really love to hear any live recordings or outtakes from your own solo albums (e.g. Confessions era) if they exist.


Michael M.

Dweezil - I think the disappointment is because as a VH fanatic like many in this community, these are BY FAR the best dissection of VH I've ever heard and I've heard many. From the guests to the parts that you pick out (which often are not the parts you'd expect), the insights are worth many times the price of the bundles. I've personally gotten more than my money's worth so I'm not in the same boat as some of the folks who may have just purchased the Sammy bundle. (though what Eddie fan would have skipped the first four albums! :)


More importantly, I hope I speak for most when I say your personal health is way more important than these sessions. While disappointed, I'll wait it out and make sure that you are healthy, happy and giving us great insights and music for years to come.