
Thanks and keep 'em coming.

Paul Diana

Thank You Dweezil,so glad to support your music by subscribing.And these tracks are just what we need to get us through these difficult times.Be Safe ,and we will see you when we can.


Thanks Paul!


Awesome. so stoked


Love that version of Montana, really like that Wah filter effect or whatever it would be called in the solo thats a great sound


Thanks! The beginning part is a clean envelope mixed with a dirty envelope. They both bloom at different frequencies. Then I kick in a fuzz with the wah after the fuzz, creating extreme eq shelving. It's got a touch of dynaflanger in there too! You know something simple!

Mark W.

Loving all these, thanks for sharing Dweezil 


You're welcome! I just added a new track, an epic version "Montana."

Mark W.

Awesome guitar solo