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David A.

Thanks so much for taking the time to do this! Appreciate it very much. Can't wait to see you on the road again!!


Vegetable, (Call Any?)

Dweezil my dear good man! WOW!
This was the best dose of reality so perfectly laid out! 
I love the reality presented and kinda knew it to some extent, but you very gracefully laid it all out as the reality it truly is! The Edward stories to the reality of the road! Man you did it ALL justice with the truth! 
I loved your dad and always respected him for how he managed and this is just as true for you. I say you know more than many! And this told your story!
Truly a wake up call for this drummer and singer now at age 65 who never made it to the big time! 
And heck I'd still like to but not sure I could tour the way you do, but the desire hasn't let go... You gotta get rest now my man! This vid was the first time I felt you needed to rest a bit. Schedule a few days break between shows, OR SOMEthing... We're human and can only do so much especially as we age. 
In this vid, I hate to say, but you look so tired. You need to rest sometimes.  It's the 1st time I ever saw you look this way. If I see it so can anyone watching this. I say this because I love ya, yer band and the whole deal that I relate to as Dweezil Zappa!!! I've seen you live and got to speak with you and loved it dearly! And when you explained how rough that schedule is, I don't blame you for cutting back!  It's time for you to say I love you and get off the stage! Yes I was amazed to shake your hand and be photographed with you, but hey. Our body and mind need a permanent break from some of our kind ways that cost us our health in the long run. 
You already know this and I am just confirming you are doing the right things!  
~All my love and best wishes brother!


Great episode. Loved hearing about the UMRK. 


Duude , hey man , good video , I learned afew things, I always liked my mother is a space cadet, your mom was very nice.eddie Van Halen was /is the best as person & as  a musician. glad u guys were/ are friends.hope everything is good your way , I'll watch the other videos...later man

Paul B.

Fantastic interview Dweezil - great stories told with humility, passion, integrity & humor. Looking forward to the next one!