Fly On The Wall

Fly On The Wall

No audio. :(
Howdy! No sound yet but live video is up.
What's up Dweezil! Can't wait for The Pageant!
Where is the event?
Howdy from Humboldt.
Thank you So Much!!
No sound
Charades, anyone?
no sound
No sound
That was "Hello"! Did I win?
Two words: Roxy & Apostrophe ( haha ).
We can hear you now!
Hearing some audio but low volume
cant hear still
Still no sound???
At least we don't hear Yoko.
I cant
No sound still
yes, very low volume
Getting better!
We heard you for a second. Hardly.
getting louder
There we go!
There you are!
Very kow
There you go!!!!
Much better.
Good morning everyone ! YES we can hear
Very Low...
awesome much better
Still can't hear anything...
No sound still
Getting better!
Low volume.
Reload the page.
Good morning!
Good morning Dweezil!
LOVE you doing this Dweezil!!!
Hello !!
Starting to hear now
Re reloading the page works.
Greetings from Richmond London All
oi from Calgary!
Woo hoo!
Sounds great Dweezil
I’m on and iPhone and can’t see any video. Do I need to go on a laptop?
Can’t hear anything either
Working on my iphone
Med B. Try to refresh it
Med B. I'm getting both video and audio on my laptop and iphone
Glad you're going on tour! Best wishes!)
Dweezil, love hearing your sound. Sound is very Dweezil.
Stays crunchy, even in milk.
OK video and audio now.
I wanna hear the clown vomit.
Can we get a camera in on the finger work?
Needs more cowbell
Hey that tube driver has a custom mod, extra knob on the back
nice SG
Great sounding Tube Driver!
what's this clown vomit cant find it anywhere
Dweezil played guitar better at 13 than I do today
Clown Vomit?? Hahaha!
his guitar course on truefire is very good btw
It was on the email...C.V. pedal. great name!
Cool fuzz!
oh, guitar course on truefire, I'll check it out I have an account there
thats a mean fuzz tone
Future idea for DZ: Steve Vai's birthday is coming up and the band should do an out of tune Zappa version of Happy Birthday for Steve!
August 2 El Cajon I can’t wait
Ah the new guitar
That custom is a thing of beauty. Sounds RIPPIN.'
Everyone's going to hate me for saying this: But I'd easily play ($) for streams like this.
We're all a bunch of Guitar Geeks
Guitar whores thankyou
Frank M. yes Guitar Whores works for me
Guitar Whores is good. I prefer Geetar Dweebs, personally ( haha ).
nah creamer, not for this but for a live show well recorded I would pay sure
Love to hear some univibe with Frank's melodies.
Any plans to bring the tour to Asheville or Charlotte?
2 heads are better than one
Hopefully Dweezil Does London
Im beside myself waiting for the Dynaflanger.....
that sounds good
I'd call it living vicariously through DZ.
I'm a drummer...what Guitar is this?
i love the "alligator" plate4
Looks like a Strat...
With a whammy bar
It's a Shabat Guitar
Made by Avi Shabat, Dweezil's new distraction...
damn I was hoping dweezil would tell us his live impressions
cristiano b.: Exactly, would be nice.
Think "Shabat" is a Hebrew term...
Emergency Man people refer to that type of guitar as a super strat there are many makers of their own versions.
Dweezil is in the zone, he's doing a SHUT UP AND PLAY YER GUITAR...
Thanks Dennis
True Med B. I'd like a little idea of "what" he's tweaking, punching or using.
Jeff Beck style, LOVE IT
The Clean tone on this is VERY Freak Out!
shiiiiiiiiii look at that
Jeff Beck tone with a touch of meat!
I am now offically "in church"
Jeff Beck with a touch of Satan and Eddie
i look away for a second and you do that!…..
Anyone playing along with their guitars? If so which guitar models?
I presume all of these pedals will need a power source. That's a lot of cables!
i m playing an sg right now but not playing zappa related stuff
They are powered by Frank Zappa's Spirit and Dweezil's Genius ;)
I thought countless hours tuning my drums was complicated...this is SERIOUS SHIT! Appreciate the work ethic he got from Frank...
I'm playing my EVH Wolfgang Special
Okay . . . so what's this contraption call?
Love me some flanger....
Dyna Flange probably
I mean DynaFlanger
Playing trinity v3 (not a guitar)
Didn't Frank use the Dyna Flanger rack mount for the " Shut Up. . . " series?
it's called airborn flanger, it's a regular flanger not a dyna one
dweezil has a dynaflager by alexand that he's gonna test I guess because I saw it on instagram
daaaaaamn what are these cool sounds man
Oh I want one
Love it
...and then you come up for air 8 hrs later. Lost in the pedal zone ;)
the theremin petal
hizumitas pedal, muff
I want those pants!
does anyone know who makes the Clown Vomit pedal? i tried looking for it but found nothing
yea i searched too didnt fidn anything
please see the Ricky Bobby store for the clothing line
love the Digitech Freqout, it'd be amazing in this stereo setup he has, being able to do clean feedback on one side and something wild on the other
I like this effect!
Would LOVE to hear a Stereo Ripley guitar with these effects.
shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii look at that sound
the perfect pedal for this song
god this rocks
R2D2 performs live.
It’s like a bird playing flute is following you around!
dental floss
is he going through pedal sounds programming the pedal settings etc. into the fractal unit?
Love the clean sustain!
Sound dropping out
the audio is cutting in and out right now.
audio dropping out

ah shit i thought it was my headphone dying
he's rocking so hard the computer can't keep up
audio dropping in and out.
the tone destroyed the cpu
dude, I just had my woofers blown
mic is cutting out too
Nothing! :(
Technology. The end of the world...
audio mostly out now
No audio
Refreshed the page. I'm watching the beginning of the stream. :(
No sound at all D
Love my Acoustic Drums...
Refreshed the stream. Still no audio yet. :)
Hearing what sounds like audio drop outs now.
i hear some little audio pops now and then but that's it
Charades, anyone?
I appear to have lost sound
sound is still out on mic at least
Don't you hate when that happens?
Cut out when he used thst one black floor pedal
Secret word of the day: TECHNOLOGY ( HAHA ).
Hope this doesn't happen at the show in Seattle...
will this stream be available after? maybe it's just in the live audio
I'm in the front row...
Front row Chicago!
Maybe do a quick live Instagram stream giving an update?
i guess the Freqout did it's job and made the audio freak out
Dweezil is showing us the worst feeling in the world.
Dweezil you sound incredible on guitar! Thanks for allowing us to be flies on the wall today. Can't wait for The Pageant!!!
It was back for a sec!
So far, the stream is doing great. The guitar playing sounds WONDERFUL! Now, hearing some audio come in and out.
two notes! i heard to notes
The sound is cutting out
Blips of sound from the guitar..
As Frank said..."Our job is to play under the most extreme circumstances"
imagine if it's a pedal cutting this on purpose to annoying anyone
Check the sound. It's cutting out. Sounds like a loose connection
must be the Chase Bliss Lossy lol
Dweezil is the Man From Utopia.
Stream frozen...rebooting?
secret chase bliss pedal that has 6 knobs an dipswitched to cut out signal
Could be a noise gate issue or a loose mic cable
not sure what the problem is
One of those black floor pedals loose connection
There is a digital crackle happening.
It's a complicated set up over here and we are testing the bugs
Ruskie hacking?
I can answer some chat questions
Time to write a message on the chalkboard we can see...
What's the secret behind the "Flim Flam" sound? How much is just the picking style?
will the stream be available to view after or is it only live?
Also might be digital clipping cutting the sound completely out
So..what were some of the fuzz pedals you liked best just now, for what songs?
we have a few minutes left
tell us the truth, dweezil, it's a new chase bliss pedal cutting the signal and it's a new kind of show\gag
The guitar cut out when you moved one of those floor pedals
stream will end up as a video on the site
Getting some crackling sounds
No worries Dweezil-we’re hanging in there with you
it can be viewed later on
Dweezil, that was quite a few boxes in series...what exaclty are you connecting there?
Sounded great! Love the custom guitar, a thing of beauty. Cheers everyone!
is this part of the process you use to program the fractal unit? i.e. running through pedal/tone/song combinations etc?
there is a significant delay between what happens here and what appears in your live feed
Any plans on bring tour to Asheville or Charlotte?
I understand. What we're hearing right now is some crackling noises
Hey Dweezil, what’s the chances of swinging through central Ohio? I just can’t make it to Cleveland or Cincinnati.
Thanks Dweezil for the hard work from a Drummer...
I use the fractal for my live rig so I do test the pedals with it
Hi Dweezil - which amp models are you using on the Fractal ?
Video is now frozen
well, i liked what i heard so far!
video still working for me
dweezil tell us a bit more about the clown vomit
Video working here too
I'm using the Marshall jtm
What Fuzz pedals did you liked best just now - for what songs in the upcoming shows?
The video portion is fine it's the sound that's crackling
The clown vomit pedal is a crazy experimental fuzz pedal that my uncle mage for me
)video back)
All the fuzz pedals I tested today were very useful. They had attitude and character plus they cleaned up well
Maybe Matt could have Fractal model your favourite pedals
How the heck can you decide what NOT to use now? :)
is this the slime from the video?
It's Nacho DePepe's fault
Is there a particular flanger or two you are leaning towards or like the most ?
Thanks Dweezil!
We have about 4 minutes left on the feed. for the next one, I'll try to have a mic ready so I can give you all my impressions of the pedals
aaaah lovely
sounds great
are there specific criteria you assess the pedals against
i was in for your coments on pedals mostly
They all sounded unique, the pedals. Loved the flanger one.
Great to watch this, thank you.
thanks Dweezil, always entertaining!
Thank you so much for this stream. Many many more!
Thanks for doing this DZ - very cool!
seeing all this gear is activating my G.A.S., i might have to buy the Alexander Dyna Flanger
The problem is a live mic will ruin the guitar sound so I'll have to have someone on standby to constantly muste
I had no idea clown vomit was custom. I just google and youtube searched it (dont do that)
Thank you, sir!
Hi Dweezil, from me, Toshiro, Jiro & Saburo, (we met you at The Rose in the past), :-)
totally irrelevent question but what are the chances of getting Buckethead on WTHWIT ?
This has been awesome. Thank you very much.
Thanks Dweezil.
Thanks for the stream! Great stuff! Have a great rest of your week.
I have a great pancake recipe for you
Thanks for this. I may have to get the Hizumitas now.
looking forward to more stuff like this - thanks dweezil
this has been awesome, thanks for doing it!
Appears I can't do timezone math, is it over?
Your uncle Carl made the Clown Vomit?
just finishing up Jason
dweezil said it'll be available to watch later though
Thanks for sharing with us !
criteria for pedals is unique sound and feel. Something that I can react to and improvise with.
Frozen now.
Thanks everyone! I'll see you again soon!
He's just standing very still
the Freqout was my favorite, especially in the stereo setup
thanks Dweezil - hope you enjoy your sunday
Very welcome.
You're welcome
damn just arrived well see ya soon !
thanks! like the insights
Made my rainy day here in Chicago
Thanks Dweez See you in Denver!
bye DZ!
Tell all the dogs I said Arf Arf Arf
Dweezil, it's so nice to see you, from carol x
take care, can't wait to see the tour
See you again soon Dweezil!
I got the super VIP pack for September at the Berkshire in Virginia.
Zoot was amazing
is there a chat happening ? If so where do I locate it? Thanks
This is it, the live stream is over now but the video will be made available later on to watch in full
Dweezil thanks for this was very informative and cool to watch! I thought you got some cool sounds when you combined the blue box and the TubeDriver and later with the Shabatt
all of it cool!

Live Broadcast From Hikari Studios 5-26-24. Watch me test pedals for my guitar rig.

(Post Note) This was a test for the video system at the studio. We encountered a few glitches but we expect a better result next time. Thanks to everyone who watched it live!

Terica D.

Montana INterlude @28:00! OverNite TOneSation! Looks like the Chandler Tube Driver can walk the walk.

Clay O.

Would love to see band rehearsals!

Jon H

Yo Dweezil! Where did you pickup your computer desk there off to the left? Thanks!

Great pedal test video!

Bill R.

full marks for trying but without a running commentary about what you are doing  it's a complete waste of time 


Hey Bill,

It was set up to be a fly on the wall experiment. There wouldn't be a running commentary if it was just me playing on my own. That being said, I do think it would be good to have the ability to give some insight for viewers when I do future live streams. There is an added layer of difficulty with that because the live mic will corrupt the sound of the guitar and the mic would need to be constantly muted or unmuted when I speak. So, working on that.

Nathan G.

WE miss you in Austin TX!!


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