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CrownJules liked the song BE BOP TANGO (BABY GIRAFFE)

CrownJules updated his profile

CrownJules liked the comment on DWEEZIL KN'EVIL (LIVE CONCERT)
Hi Everybody,
Sorry for the confusion. Indeed there are files missing. They have been in the process of uploading and keep getting stuck. The dreaded spinning wheel of doom. I'm working right now to solve the problem.......Read more

CrownJules liked the comment on DWEEZIL KN'EVIL (LIVE CONCERT)
Oops, yes, that was a typo. July 30th 2021 is the official release date. That's when all of the audio and video will be uploaded. Thanks for letting me know!......Read more

CrownJules posted a comment on the song DWEEZIL KN'EVIL (LIVE CONCERT)
I'm looking forward to this!Is there a typo in the release date? Did you mean 8-3-2021? "** Video footage of the actual concert will be available as FREE streaming content to all Silver Subscribers and Dweezil Kn'Evil Bundle......Read more

CrownJules liked the song Cup Of Joe - MINI CONCERT # 1

CrownJules posted a comment on the song The Torture Never Stops (Vancouver 2018)
Love it! I was at this show.......Read more

CrownJules became friends with Phil