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Luc V.

Daar Dweezil, Very many thanks for explaining the delay in business in a personal way. Hope you and the band will be soon back up to speed and hope to seeing you performing soon in Europe! Kind regards, take care and stay safe! Luc VT

Doug C

DZ, I get it. Life is weird and amazing. Whenever you are ready.


We got your back DZ. 

Thank you for your precious time to explain.


You know what Dweezil? I think that was awfully kind of you to even take the time to explain what has been going on in your life that resulted in delays of this & probably a million other things but please do not feel guilty or sad about it. We are all human...all of us and every now and then we succumb to human related problems. As far as I can tell for some folks, sometimes, just waking up another day is an achievement to be proud of, sometimes just tending to yourself and your family becomes the #1 priority.

I know for myself these last few years, especially the last year specifically, has been extremely exhausting mentally, spiritually & physically, you know what I've been trudging through on a personal level, it's not been an easy road this time. 

 For me, I say whatever it is that is happening in your own world try not to overthink or over-worry about it, we can't control many things & circumstances that occur around us or to us, we can only control how we react to those X factors. 

 Take your time and get yourself and those who count on you right. We'll all be here waiting for you & cheering you on, at least I'll be and if anyone else doesn't have the capacity or compassion to be understanding & patient with you well, meh...fuck 'em. They were just dragging the boat down anyways. So to speak.

I know I'm on the east side of the country but if you ever need anything I can help with I'm there for ya. Computer work? I'm a wiz. PR I'm a wiz. Timeliness, storyboards, organizing chaotic thoughts into cohesive fully fleshed projects... I've done a couple wee few of those, maybe even more. I'm happy to chip in, all I need is a cheesesteak & food for the dog and I'm in it to win it. 


Heck at this stage in the game I'm just excited I opened my eyes again on a new day. 

You take care of yourself Dweezil, we'll be fine waiting over here. 




David McCain

Glad you're doing good! No complaints from me. 

The work load is understandable but you're human ( with family who needs you more ). So, as a proud father/24 hour creative person/busy husband/guitarist myself, I GET IT. Totally. For those who don't get it, oh well. There are more supporters here who have similar lives. Creativity ( as a whole ) doesn't always work well with deadlines.  

Happy to support you in any way I can.