David McCain
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May The Fourth Be With You! - updated
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David McCain liked the comment on ALL-INCLUSIVE - 5150 Bundle
https://youtu.be/Z-Qpa_yEpUo?si=Hng86yORw3WPNNJv......Read more
David McCain liked the comment on ALL-INCLUSIVE - 5150 Bundle
https://youtu.be/9eZbuCtXNE0?si=RirF9z563zAXiPZH......Read more
David McCain liked the video Dweezil at Oakdale
David McCain became friends with Tom Howard
David McCain liked the comment on ALL-INCLUSIVE - 5150 Bundle
What I love most about these podcasts is the replay-ability. I imagine many of us will still be regularly listening even 10 years from now. For this Aussie millennial, VH was not a part of my childhood, nor the childhoods of......Read more
David McCain liked the comment on Fly On The Wall
Hey Bill,
It was set up to be a fly on the wall experiment. There wouldn't be a running commentary if it was just me playing on my own. That being said, I do think it would be good to have the ability to give some insight......Read more
David McCain uploaded the video DZ lick expanded practice
David McCain became friends with Richard H.