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I look forward to watching this series, great stuff


Thanks for tuning in everyone! Each week I'll be discussing a different album with Shawn Ratches. It won't be chronological.

Shawn / Laughingmonkeymusic



That was great!! Well done.
Looking forward for more.

Maybe an interview about Confessions??Been wanting more info on Confessions for years. What a great album!!


I saw ZPZ twice. 
Wilmington,DE and Wilkes Barre,PA. Great memories!


thanks again!


Yes, we did one about "Confessions" and it's coming soon.


Exciting news. Confessions - What a fine teenage rockin' album.

James S.

Loved this! So cool to hear about you learning the guitar, your first studio experience and everything else! Looking forward to future episodes and I hope those Dolby Atmos projects see the light of day soon. Cheers, Shawn and Dweezil!

Shawn / Laughingmonkeymusic

Thanks James! 


Fun stuff! Looking forward to the rest of this series. Any chance you'll add Crunchy Water to your Music page here?