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Allen G.

Allen G. liked the comment on ALL-INCLUSIVE - 5150 Bundle

Hey Tim, Yes we do need to collaborate. He did play on stage with me a few times. You can hear hime here.  ......Read more
Allen G.

Allen G. liked the comment on ALL-INCLUSIVE - 5150 Bundle

Really enjoyed the Shane episode Dweezil. Another great reminder that tone is primarily in the hands and the heart!......Read more
Allen G.

Allen G. liked the comment on ALL-INCLUSIVE - 5150 Bundle

Ryan Brown Podcast was stellar. Thanks for that guys. Love to see a Mikey episode and Roth ep just like that. Dweezil thank you for doing the RWTD podcast. Every angle of study of Ed and VH is so interesting truly a Masters......Read more
Allen G.

Allen G. liked the comment on Dweezil Lick Pedal Challenge Entry

You are way too kind ... thx for putting a smile on my face ... i needed that!......Read more
Allen G.

Allen G. liked the comment on The Meeting Place

Hi Jeremy, Yes, inflation is real! There are many upfront out of pocket expenses related to touring and selling gear is the best way to try to create a win -win situation for people who would care to support the tour and......Read more
Allen G.

Allen G. liked the comment on The Meeting Place here’s a link  Deep Purple Machine Head 50th Anniversary Edition Box Set ......Read more
Allen G.

Allen G. liked the comment on The Meeting Place

Hi Whit, I'm glad you enjoyed the mixes. I'm assuming you were able to hear them on speakers and not just headphones in binaural. I appreciate the kind words. I do plan to do much more in Atmos with my own music and other......Read more
Allen G.

Allen G. liked the comment on The Meeting Place

Hi Dweezil, I just finished listening to your remix in Dolby Atmos of Deep Purple Machine Head. It blew my mind! Never have I heard a more enjoyable mix. The creativity and quality of the music is next level.  I very much......Read more